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East Tennessee’s Superior Exterior Lighting Provider

App-Controlled Light Color & Patterns

One Solution, Millions of Possibilities

Exterior Lighting Services in Knoxville, TN

Illuminate your Knoxville home with brilliance and style with Smoky Mountain Lighting’s premier exterior lighting solutions. As the leading provider of exterior house lights and exterior wall lights in East Tennessee, we bring you the cutting-edge technology of JellyFish Lighting. Our innovative products offer programmable color options and patterns through an intuitive app that seamlessly integrates with your lifestyle. Transform your outdoor space into a captivating masterpiece that reflects your unique taste and enhances the beauty of your home. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us illuminate your world.

Customized Programmable Exterior Lighting Solutions

Transform your outdoor space into a dynamic canvas of light with Smoky Mountain Lighting’s customized programmable exterior lighting solutions. Our versatile offerings cater to various needs and occasions, ensuring your property shines in every scenario:

Accent Lighting

Elevate the beauty of your home or business with customizable accent lighting, perfect for highlighting architectural features or landscaping.

Gameday Lighting

Show your team spirit with vibrant gameday lighting, bringing the excitement of game days to your outdoor gatherings.

Holiday Lighting

Create a festive atmosphere year-round with our holiday lighting solutions, designed to dazzle and delight during every season.

Home Builders

Partner with us to integrate cutting-edge exterior lighting into new home construction projects, enhancing curb appeal and value.

Commercial Lighting

Illuminate your commercial property with professional exterior lighting installations, combining functionality and aesthetics to leave a lasting impression.

Why Choose Our Lights

There are countless reasons to choose Smoky Mountain Lighting for your exterior lighting needs. Our lights are fixtures that are a gateway to a world of possibilities. Here’s why our lights stand out:


Compared to standard bulbs, our lights offer superior energy efficiency, ensuring cost savings without compromising brightness or quality.


With our user-friendly app, controlling your lights is as simple as a tap on your smartphone. Easily adjust colors, patterns, timers, and more, or use voice commands with Alexa for added convenience.


From accent lighting, security lights, and holiday themes to supporting your local sports team, our lights offer endless customization options to suit your preferences and occasions.


Backed by warranties for both product and labor, our lights are built to last, providing years of reliable performance under typical daily operation.

Professional Installation

Our team of experts ensures seamless installation, blending the lights seamlessly with your home's exterior for a polished finish that enhances rather than detracts from your property's aesthetic.

When you choose Smoky Mountain Lighting, you’re investing in quality, convenience, and endless possibilities for enhancing your outdoor space.

security lighting setup for a property in knoxville

Our Mission and Values

At Smoky Mountain Lighting, our mission is simple yet profound: to illuminate lives by providing premium-quality, energy-efficient, and customizable exterior lighting solutions for homes and businesses. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service with honesty and integrity at the forefront of everything we do. Our values are deeply rooted in a commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability. We believe in enhancing the beauty and functionality of outdoor spaces while minimizing environmental impact through energy-efficient technologies. With a dedication to professionalism and reliability, we strive to exceed customer expectations at every turn. Whether accentuating architectural features, creating a festive atmosphere, or enhancing security, we’re here to brighten your world and leave a lasting impression with our unparalleled lighting solutions.

Contact Smoky Mountain Lighting Today

Elevate the ambiance and security of your Knoxville home with Smoky Mountain Lighting’s state-of-the-art exterior lighting solutions. Our commitment to excellence ensures professional installation, unmatched quality, and customer satisfaction. With our JellyFish Lighting products, you have the power to create a captivating outdoor environment tailored to your preferences. Whether accentuating architectural features, adding festive flair, or enhancing security, we have the perfect lighting solution for you. Take the first step towards transforming your outdoor space today. Contact us now to schedule your consultation and discover the endless possibilities of exterior lighting.

Request a Free Quote

Want to learn more about exterior lighting for your home? Schedule a free consultation to find out more about our great products and get a free estimate.

Smoky Mountain Lighting is now offering 12-month interest-free financing!

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