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Programmable Lighting for Patios and Boat Docks

Outdoor lighting for spaces like patios and boat docks is not only important for safety, but it enhances the mood and ambiance of these enjoyable leisure areas. Lighting installation by Smoky Mountain Lighting enables you to decorate your backyard patio or boat dock to match any occasion with the touch of a button through the app on any smartphone or tablet. You’ll never have to swap out or hang lights with our permanent option that offers access to 16 million programmable color patterns. Contact us to schedule a free estimate.

patio illuminated with atmospheric lighting in knoxville

Powerful Lights With Energy-Saving Features

These lights contain three diodes per light, making them shine bright enough to light up your patio or boat dock as the primary light source. However, if you want to dim your lights to create a darker mode, simply control the brightness through the app. Each node uses about one watt of power, delivering 15 years or more of lighting if you use your lights for typical operating hours every day. You can enjoy a permanent, low-maintenance lighting feature that won’t run up your electricity bill.

dock area with specialized lighting by smoky mountain lighting

Zoning and Program Options

Installation of our outdoor lights is discreet as the custom creation incorporates colors that match the area where they will be installed. Zoning means you can set display options through the app. If you cover the entire perimeter with lights, you don’t have to run them all at once. You can turn certain areas on for accents or choose them to run in three-, six-, or eight-foot distances between them. Hosting a themed gathering? Choose from over 16 million lights to match your theme, holiday, or sporting event. Spice things up with different patterns and lights that can twinkle, chase, alternate, run, or remain static.

Contact Us for a Free Exterior Lighting Estimate

We serve East TN with professional installation of programmable outdoor lighting that is perfect for homes, patios, and boat docks. We’re an authorized dealer of these trusted products, ensuring you get a professional job completed by technicians who can help you get the most out of your exterior lighting setup. Contact us today to schedule a free estimate.

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