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Local Exterior Lighting Specialists in East TN

Smoky Mountain Lighting is a locally owned and operated business providing exterior lighting solutions for homeowners throughout East TN. We’re an authorized dealer of JellyFish Lighting products, a state-of-the-art exterior lighting solution with programmable color options and patterns through an easy-to-use app. Users can also power lights on and off through Alexa. This one unique product meets various needs, such as accent lighting, security, holiday lighting, or outdoor patio and deck lighting. You can take advantage and enjoy all these benefits once installed, no matter what your original reason was for exterior lighting in the first place.

security lighting setup for a property in knoxville

Why Choose Us to Install Outdoor Lighting?

Our reputation for professional installation has garnered us a number of business recommendations, and most of our work is from word of mouth. Once neighbors see the stunning display of light when we’re finished with the project, the first question to the homeowner is always, “Where did you get those lights?!” Benefits of choosing our option for outdoor lighting include:

  • Hardware color matches your home for subtlety
  • Millions of light color patterns to choose from
  • Programming and customization from an app
  • Lights last for 15+ years under typical daily operation
  • Choose lights that twinkle, chase, flash, run, or remain static
gameday lighting installation in knoxville by smoky mountain lighting

How Do These Lights Work?

During our estimate, we’ll discuss where you want your lights. Installation includes along the soffits and underneath the eaves in peaks. We can do the front of your home, the front and back, or all sides. Once installed, the app control enables the homeowner to choose the color scheme, lighting pattern, and display timing. Choose orange and white to support Tennessee or light and royal blue to support the local NFL team. Set your lights to a static display, or you can schedule chasing, twinkling, or alternating patterns for added effect. When the season’s over, your lights stay up, and you can either support a team in another sport, program a holiday light theme or enjoy the security and accent lighting features.

Authorized Specialists for Professional Results

As authorized dealers of this product, we guarantee proper installation backed by all associated warranties. During our consultation, we’ll discuss where you’d like lights installed and customize the finish color to match your home’s color. Even though the lights are installed under soffits and eaves, we go a step further to ensure they’re discreet by matching them to your home’s style. We want neighbors and visitors to notice the beautiful illumination, not the hardware. After installation, you can be confident your property will retain its beautiful curb appeal.

Exterior Light How and When You Want It

Exterior illumination doesn’t have to be reserved for the holidays, and you shouldn’t be tied to one specific set of colors or patterns. Imagine if you could completely customize your outdoor lights at any time without ever climbing a ladder. Now you can. Our lighting products are the one-time solution that ensures you’re prepared for every holiday, every game day, the perfect mood, and property protection with an app-controlled setup. Homeowners can also use Alexa to turn their lights on and off. Set your display, brightness, and pattern to suit your mood. Even security lighting offers options to choose your preferred brightness of white light.

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